Nourishing Beauty

Nourishing Beauty

Golden Hours

The farm is beautiful this time of year (and every time of year) but this time especially now because the angle of the sun is such that the sunlight has a different quality to it so that everything looks golden. The air is crisp and the smell of the earth is sweet — subtle hints that change is in the air and fall is approaching. To be immersed in this beauty reminds us why we became farmers in the first place. It nourishes our souls.

Working Hard

The past few days we have been in heavy harvest mode, weeding mode, tomato-trellising mode, fall planting mode, and... canoeing mode! Although we've been working hard, we've also managed sneak in a paddle on Fish Lake on Sunday. It was lovely!


Our friend (and really fun guy), Charlie from Up North Farm & Restoration came out the other day with his family for a farm visit. Last year Charlie inoculated the wood chip mulch in our orchard with Wine Cap mushroom spores. He was doing a for a research project to help illustrate the beneficial effects of fungal activity on soil health. Our farm was one of the sites for his project, so by participating we've been able to witness the numerous benefits of mycorrhizae right here in our garden — and as an added bonus, we'll get to enjoy the mushrooms once they become established. When Charlie was out this week he helped us identify our first Wine Cap! With such a dry start to the year we were afraid the spores would not take hold, but now that we've seen one mushroom, it's only a matter of time (and a little more rainfall) before we see more!

On the Horizon...
Fall crops are sizing up and will be in your shares soon! Winter squash, potatoes, leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, and Asian greens are all on the way!

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